Django Specialisation

Prerequisite: Umuzi’s Full Stack Web Dev, Data Engineering, or Data Science programmes (or similar)
Typical learning time: Full time: 9 - 12 months; Part time: 18 - 24 months

Your learning journey with Umuzi:
Django Specialisation

Python scripting

Learn to script in one of the world’s fastest growing languages.

Learn to script in one of the world’s fastest growing languages.


and composition

Make use of docker containers and compositions.

Make use of docker containers and compositions.


Django web framework with integrated ORM for authentication & authorisation,  template rendering,  api development,  form development, and administrative interfaces.

Django web framework with integrated ORM for authentication & authorisation,  template rendering,  api development,  form development, and administrative interfaces.

Database Migrations

Database migrations with Python ORM.

Database migrations with Python ORM.

Take the first step in your Django Specialisation career today!