Our Team Is Growing

With a community that is constantly shifting and evolving comes the exciting opportunity to welcome six super talented humans to our team.



Joining our Data Science department, we have Samatha Hampton, Sloth, Panther, Momma to two and Engineering fiend! With a masters degree in both Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Engineering, Sam's experience ranges from computational biomechanics in the wonderful world of programming, all the way to turning tobacco into bio-jet fuel.

Apart from data, Sam also wrangles running up (and down) mountains, fine wines, yoga in uncomfortably hot rooms (pre-pandemic) and toddlers.

Rooted as Umuzi's Data Science Manager, Sam is lucky that her skills don’t match up to her slothy reputation. In that regard, she seriously channels her inner panther.

She also bakes a mean sourdough.





Carly is an impressive human, a practising digital artist (@miss_carlyjane), curator (@floatingreverie), researcher completing her PhD, and Interactive Design lecturer who will be joining us to lead our UI/X programmes.

With an honours degree in Fine Arts as well as a masters in Digital Interactive Media, Carly has lectured at a variety of institutions such as Vega, University of Pretoria and Wits University.

Her creative practice explores authenticity in the digital age, communication and relationship dynamics online.

Of the digital space and digital art, she says “I love the scope that it affords you as an artist and how it is so intrinsically linked to contemporary culture. We come from a generation who may be considered as digital natives, so much of who we are is rooted in the digital medium, online, on television etc. and filters through our lives and our own networks. In my own work, I love being able to capture that effect and interaction using the medium.”

Man, what a beautiful thing it is to have this magic infiltrate into our Umuzi fibres.



Originally from Tembisa, this open-minded soul completed his work experience and has returned to Umuzi to make sure our data science and engineering recruits fulfil their greatest potential. From workshops, code reviews, pair programming to one-on-one mentoring, Siphiwe's goal is for current recruits to shine and stay moving on their own tech journeys.

A thinker, a reader, curious and open to experiencing the world for what it is, we're honoured to have such incredible energy in our tech space. Before Umuzi, Siphiwe did a bunch of rad things including working as an athletics coach, a quantitative analyst, tutor and most recently a researcher at a startup.

But it’s not all raspberry pies and pull requests...

"Outside of work, I'm a bibliophile, coffee addict, runner, vegetarian, can be easily bribed with wine and chocolate, or first editions of anything by Bessie Head (preferably all three)."





This literature-loving, chess playing explosion of delight has just completed her work experience at TIH in business analysis. Hloni is bringing her management and mentorship skills into our UX Strategy department in the biggest way.

"I consider myself a stickler for detail, value personal development and am always willing to assist. With agility and rapid learning, I deliver constant value, iterate to learn, adapt to realities and reflect on feedback."

If you vibe with ambition, road trips, laughter and/or potatoes - you'll most certainly vibe with Hloni.



Volunteer-turned-mentor - Andy is another alumni we're more than stoked to welcome to our team as a Junior Data Manager.

A quiet type of human - always observing, looking for patterns to how things work, to why they work the way they do. Fascinated with technology and programming from a young age, Andy built himself up and is an absolute force to be reckoned with, and an incredible addition to our team.

With 5+ programming languages under his belt, Andy is super equipped within his own capacity, as well as within his role at Umuzi, helping to grow the talent of future data scientists.





Last of our gang of new starters, we have Asanda Radebe, a Junior Scrum Master at Umuzi with a basic specialisation in Javascript. Starting out as a web development recruit, Asanda has grown into a facilitator role coaching new recruits in Agile Software Development. With a keen interest in marketing and leadership, we are stoked to have this versatile individual form part of our team.

"So far my journey has advised me to follow the path where the heart leads and I have learnt so much from doing so. There are a lot of people who dream of working in the tech industry, and my goal is to see how the tech industry can work for people."

More on what's going on(line) at Umuzi...