January 2022 Umuzi Kickers

It’s official, 2022 & some member of our community are out here kicking a$$ and taking names while they at it! I have a list of all the names in this Kicker so grab a water, a tea maybe a wine and let’s go through this Kicker together.

The Work Experience - C28 Edition

Congratulations to all the C28s heading to work experience with their respective employer partners in February. Bangeneni aka enter them and don’t hold anything back. This is your moment to make, all the best and we're rooting for you guys!

Siphiwe Mposula - Data Engineering from C28 joined Bidvest on work experience.

Thembeka Thokane - UI Design from C28 joined 99c on work experience.

Sandile Nkosi - Web Development from C28 joined BBD for work experience.

Tasneem De costa - UI Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Mduduzi Malapane - Data Engineering from C28 joined Bidvest on work experience.

Kgotlelelo Mangene - Web Dev from C28 joined BBD on work experience.

Kopano Thuso Mohapi - UI Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Esau Mashiakgotshi - UI Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Dimakatso Lepogo - UI Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Codie Mellem - Data Science from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Tsepo Matheleli - Data Science from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Vuyisa Mrwebi - Data Science from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Christopher Ngalalume - Web Development from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Andiswa Soqinase - UX Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Mlungisi Ndlovu - UX Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Mpumimay Modise - UX Design from C28 joined 2U for work experience.

Recruits Making Moves

Tech Spotlight

This past month has been a very good one for our tech recruits. So many exciting things to report for this department. We have more than 20 recruits who have been serving some serious a$$ kicking. Congratulation to you all for all your hard work.

Problem Solving Foundations 2 - 3

Si’thi asbonge bafethu. This first group of individuals have moved from problem-solving foundation 2 - Problem-solving foundations 3.

Refilwe Mashile - C27 Web Dev

Sandile Nkosi - C28 Web Dev

Zubair Ajam - C25 Web Dev

Mathibela Lemekoana - C30 Web Dev

Problem Solving Foundations 1 - 2

These guys have moved from problem-solving foundation 1 - Problem-solving foundations 2. Well done on the progress guys. Keep it up!

Luvo Mbedzi - C30 Web Dev

Christopher Maphakane - C25 Web Dev

Sthembiso Radebe- C25 Web Dev

Themba Ntuli - C28 Web Dev

Sipho Dlamini - C25 Data Eng

Khethukuthula Mkhize - C26 Java


Special Tech Shoutout

Big ups to Matibela Lemekoana for some major a$$ kicking this month. A special shout out from Viro aka Vuyisanani! This is what he had to say about Matibela,

Mathibela is a beast, great in explaining, ask questions and writes clean ES6

It’s safe to say that Matibela and his inner beast have found their lane and are thriving! Another added advantage is, if there is some explaining to be done, you can hit him up on Rocket Chat.

Recruits Making Moves

UI/UX Design Spotlight

C28 Shoutout!

Our C28 recruits (Nyakallo, Kopano, Thembeka, Andiswa, Mpumimay, Mlungisi, Moipone, Dimakatso, Esau and Tasneem. They recently completed a service design sprint and exceeded all expectations with their final presentation. The stakeholders invited to their presentation from Refugee Social Services and Youth Upliftment Projects and Skills Development (YUPS) were impressed! Literally everyone in the cohort did an exceptional job. The DPD team is so excited for them to start work experience 🤩.

African Coding Network

The African Coding Network is officially open for 2022 registrations. They have so many exciting learning opportunities for their sub-Saharan community and many more who wish to join the movement. They are currently recruiting for Grow with Google certificates and META Blue Print (Facebook) certificates. There are over 5 different certification courses you can undertake.

ACN is highly prioritizing women (90% in 2021), as well as youth with disabilities and displaced youth/refugees from the following countries; Burundi, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa & Uganda.

To help them get the word out to as many young people as possible, checkout their website to share this amazing opportunity. Be sure to share it with those friends that will definitely tell their friends to tell their other friends about the good news.

Behind the Scenes: Umuzi Edition

New Staff Alert!
Remember the phrase, go big or go home? Well, I'm thrilled to announce that Umuzi didn't go home, we went BIG! We have not 1 but 5 new staff members that have joined our Umuzi Family this year so far!

Welcome to Thandeka Nzuza & Rivoningo Maphophe who join the team as Learner Support & Project Managers; and Randfort Malele who joins the DPD team as a Business Analyst Manager. Welcome back to Rokhuda Tshitimbi (C14), Junior Data Scientist and Nancy Leshaba (C15) who joined the tech team.

Plugging into Community

Umuzi has over 7 social clubs for our community. It’s all about choosing what resonates with you and

To those of you who can boil an egg with great precision, are young master chefs in the making, or you just simply enjoy eating. This is definitely going to be your favourite hangout spot because we've got you covered. Join the Cooking club here.

I know you know I know you watched the Queen's Gambit. This is a sign! Set up online matches between friends and colleagues, share tips and tricks, teach a novice – immerse yaself. To join the Chess club click here.

This club is all about movement. Do you dance, run, plank for 4 minutes a day or want to? Get involved here. We share plank challenges, body-weight workout programmes etc. Accountability is key. Join the Umuzi club here.

This one here is fo those of you who have little ones and want tips and tricks in lockdown and beyond. This is a community sharing their parenting tips to keep their kids entertained and happy. Join the Kids club here.

Where are all my word-smiths at?! To join the Bib club click here.

For the bookworms - nuff said. Join the Bib club click here.

Podcasts are an incredible way of sharing experience, knowledge and laughter. If you’ve got some goodies, share them here! If you’re keen to get into them, we’ve got an archive of past poddies too. To join the Podcast club click here.


Throwback Of The Month

Introducing Human-Centred Design

At Umuzi, we use Human-Centred Design to deeply understand the users' needs and collaboratively learn to meet them. Hear first hand about our programme from Industrial Engineering students.
