Our Team Is Growing

With a community that is constantly shifting and evolving comes the exciting opportunity to welcome seven super talented humans to our team.

~ Catherine Bailey ~

Project Lead

Catherine is a Joburger whose favourite way to start the day is with a run with friends before work. She loves the energy of the city and the diversity of its people. She has a background in finance and operations, with a Masters's degree in tax but has always found herself in the learning/training division of organizations.

Catherine has a craving for authentic life experiences. This has led to her travels to India to do her yoga teacher training; no craving had, will be left unexplored where cath is concerned.

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~ Eckard Berry ~

Python Developer

Eckard is our laidback coder without a ponytail, such things do exist. A lover of fishing, in case you missed his picture and a prankster of note to those he holds dear.

His background in Data Science proves his peculiar love for numbers. He thoroughly enjoys solving code problems with a whole lot of mathematics.

This makes him the best person to teach and mentor our young and talented data science recruits, as well as our Python developers in training.

~ Karabo Vundla ~

Community Manager

Karabo is a certified canine lover who claims to not need Red Bull, as she already has her own set of wings. She also happens to be a Weekend Professional Series Binger.

She’s an extrovert who enjoys lots of human interaction and Comms watching. She enjoys looking for ways to maximize or rather amplify communication means to drive home the desired narrative.

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Junior Web Developer

Kaleem a very chilled family-orientated guy, who enjoys spending his weekends playing soccer, hiking, going to events, and doing some serious gaming.

He was introduced to the world of coding while he was studying Information technology. He soon joined Umuzi as a recruit to refine his coding skills.

He believes that through coding and teamwork, a difference can be made in the way people live their lives.


Junior Web Developer

Is our natural creative and deep thinker. In his spare time, you’ll catch him reading on history and the human condition. He also enjoys consuming different forms of art or simply bingeing on anime.

Sbonelo is also a self-taught coder who upon stumbling on the term coding, started playing around with the basics of HTML and soon CSS. He joined Umuzi as a web development recruit; utilized this time to improve on his skills, attend hackertons, seminars and made good network connections.

It’s safe to say that all that hard work paid off because the combos are aligning for Sbonelo.



~ Bradley Oliver ~

Recruitment Manager

Bradley is a roamer of the wilderness with a neck for wildlife photography. He also enjoys making (and listening to) pleasant guitar noises while he tucks into some really good food.

His journey has led him to spend time in vastly different professions over the last seven years. He dabbled in some biokinetics followed by a leap into the wilds of Kruger National Park as a nature guide. One thread that ran consistently through both of these ventures for Bradley, is his unwavering passion for improving the lives of people.

He joins our team with the very same passion to improve the Umuzi experience for the amazing young talent our country has to offer!


UI Design Facilitator

Nhlangano is a curious, born tinkerer, always searching for ways to make things better. A masterful googler who is able to find and synthesize new ways for brands to stand out, with high-quality designs and products that look as good as they work.

His career path and inclinations can be traced back to a beige Windows ‘98 computer his parents got for him back in the early 2000s. In no time, he had dismantled it with screws like everything else before it, partially putting it back together to doodle on paint.

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More on what's going on(line) at Umuzi...